هل أنت ، tf ؟!
means “trade for”
it’s an inclusive collab community that gives our members access to discounts & perks while also creating spaces for our participants to connect to like minds & inspiring creatives to control their narrative & find ways to trade barter & create!
We focus on the uniquely abled & their allies!
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- theeprtctivespace | TF?! | do you, tf?!
tf?! | meets spotyaspace | the safespace This is your About Page. It's a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do, and what your website has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. the space we welcome all to stay at our space. a private residential space made available for campers who get outdoorsy for fun & those looking for temporary space. we allow all races colors creeds differences to utilize our space safely and respectfully. 2000 sq ft with a parking lot, and the behind garage space infront of parking area. located in the pennsylvania mountain area a beautiful meadow & plain. available for anyone looking to set up for an outdoorsy event.. ie photoshoots, dinners, receptions, romantic picnics, closed private film sets,hunting sports, wtch parties & other tented presentations. we also allow camp space rental (upto 2 wks at a time for each guest or less), someone looking for parking (either on the prpty or prking space), using as a rest stop (small fee for a few hours) & much more. all open to discussion, reach out to us below via email or get a day instantly via the button below. buyers email us. thank you. Location click here to order/schedule a nights stay or to do short/long term rv prking reachout want to rent the space out for events? private romantic picnics/dinners? receptions? photoshoots? reach out to us! spotyaspace@protonmail.com inquiries@doyoutradefor.com find us on : hipcamp thedyrt homecamper vrbo airbnb peerspace ioverlander rvsharing
- gazette | TF?! | do you, tf?!
اضغط على عمليات الكتابة للاستفسارات الصحفية يرجى إرسال الطلب إلى contact@doyoutradefor.com
- info | TF?! | do you, tf?!
GRANT VID do you tf?! this page is just the link for our grant application. an intro video. feel free to check out our other pages, like our donations page . thank you. if it does not start automatically please click the center of the box/below question mark. TO HEAR VIDEO PLEASE CLICK LOWER RIGHT CORNER to turn on volume manually.
- TF?! | do you, tf?! |give extra
why you should give & where your money would go programs member protection we want to be able to provide the proper data protection as our community grows. allowing for better servers, privacy restrictions, giving them unlimited data reliability with their own content. being able to provide security checks and have insurance is an objective to help establish trust and further legitimizes the company. along with that we hope to be able to grow our accessibility features, making the site easier to use and manage for all walks of life and therefore encouraging more engagement. curated events, production & content want to keep this community, their allies and kids in great space to network, hone their craft and develop skills. setting up events rooted in facilitating these conversation in fun and unique ways alongside bringing in the entertainment industry aids in doing so. donating allows us to make these events special and tailored being able to provide job opportunities. rewards & referrals want to be able to set up rewards and referral programs for the youth and college students to better assist them ion their journey and to get the right people on board to spread awareness and aid in content. being able to provide grants, scholarships, project development and support afterhours is one of our main priorities as this community grows. creative grant contest THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE GIVEN TO THIS PLATFORM!!
- getmoneycreativecontest | TF?! | do you, tf?! win upto 1,000.00usd micro-grant
TF?! | #getmoney creative contest we are excited to announce the very first #getmoney creative contest grant . we are providing the winning applicant with upto 1,000.00 usd based on their described need & usage of funds. during a climate that is shifting into a more expressive, and prideful time, we want to supplement our advocacy by adding value directly to the special communities & their allies. to create account & apply, here as a supplement to our annual autism event, our meetups and our discussions, we want to help usher in newer businesses on their journey to success as often and as best as we can. this application is open to all creatives in all industries as long as they identify as being an ally to the disability community or assign as someone who is a survivor, warrior, or diverse/alt normative person. this includes but not limited to amputees, those with deficiencies, deformities, ailments, neuro-diversities, complexities and their allies. make sure to read our criteria in detail here . for answered faqs on this contest please check here . criteria: -must be 16 years or older to apply. all minors must have a guardian fill out application and submit it on their behalf or get a consent slip before accepting of funds. -must live in the united states of america or have a business they own and /or operate within the united states. -must have an online presence. -follow the respective handles. how to: -create an account to create an account go to "extra" tab and click "getmoney contest" or go to top of page and clck the "key-in" button. put in verification code. go back to portion of site that says "extra getmoney" tab. -fill out application form -submit form & get a thank you note. - optional- create a vid & post on your pltfrm with hashtag #tfgetmoney. *those videos will have their corresponding applications seen first. please note: submitting an application does not guarantee an awarded amount. winners will be notified. all applicants will get feedback. all applications will be held for future reviews as we may award more than one business at our own discretion . we do not and will not discriminate racially, nor by class or creed. we have no other affiliations other than the small business we have outlined as additional sponsors supplying added rewards. applications open between nov. 2022 and jan. 2023. asking any voting committee member, or any sponsor to select you is discouraged and may result in void of application. only one application permitted per person/entity. example: ker may have 6 businesses, ker can only apply with one application for one business. entity may have 2 sub companies, only that one entity or its sub company can enter. if stacey applies on behalf of one of her companies, and has 12 co-founding members or chairs, neither one of stacey's employees nor other co-founding members can apply on behalf of stacey's other companies. setting up a free account to apply does not make the applicant a premium member, and will not give a premium benefit. to receive consultations, stickers, discounts, and qrcodes, user has to become a premium member. amber grant shebosstalks other grants to know:
- virtual address | TF?! | do you, tf?!
what is a virtual address? a virtual address is an online address used for social, review, communications platforms for digital companies who may not have a brick & motor. we also see that newer startups, international businesses who are opening in the states & businesses in transition utilize virtual addresses. some, not all virtual companies offer mail correspondence & image view of mail, we do not. our virtual addresses are used for people who are digital but want to have or need to have a brick & motor address. to use one of our addresses is $5.00 a month. a virtual address is like the face of the company. it means adding trust, forming reputation and dressing up your company so that it may attract more clients. get virtual address subscrip get a virtual address from us today... grab a monthly subscription to utilize our virtual business address. these address go to real brick & motor which allows for added legitimacy to newer companies & startups still getting started. we do not allow deliveries here. we do not allow pick ups, drop-off nor stop by. however, we do verification digitally for those who need an available address for their online companies. we do not make any ascertain-ions to the legitimacy of any company outside of providing them a virtual address. each address may have more than one company associated with it. Contact thank you for considering us. we will do our best to respond & resolve each & every correspondence. all questions comments and concerns can be fwd to the emails alongside.. spotyaspace1@gmail.com or inquiries@doyoutradefor.com
- TF?! | doyoutf?!| we do | diverse & inclusive events
KEEP UP TO DATE ON LATEST DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE EVENTS/ACTIVITIES HAPPENING IN THE EAST COAST note: these activities are not our own branded events. the flyers posted here are curated by others. mostly people we do not know. the more details given to us the more we will add to flyer. some flyers may be posted for free others may not. some may be deleted due to time etc. some link to sites others do not. here is a link to some activities that are more than likely guarenteed to be free. FREE RESOURCE
- TF?! | tradefor | doyoutf | about
حول cultivating a culture so that when you see "TF?!" it pegs the question & utters the statement..doyou,tf?! it's indicative of automatically recognizing the community, the ally-ship & the unity of the often overlooked and marginalized community. seeing someone in the garment, at an event, in service to others, or in their bio is to know a portion of what that person believes. LOCK -IN نقوم بصياغة هذا الموقع بحيث لا يكون مفهوم المقايضة والتجارة مستهجنًا ويتم استخدامه بدلاً من ذلك كوسيلة لتسخير مهاراتك والارتقاء بك ومشاريعك بأفضل ما يمكنك. سواء كان ذلك خلف الكواليس أو أمام الكاميرا ، نأمل أن يكون لدينا مساحة رقمية تتعلق بالاتصال والإنشاء. TF؟!: TRADE FOR المعروف أيضًا باسم "doyoutradefor.com" مستوحى من صبي صغير مذهل كان مليئًا بالحب والنور ، تشاز أنتوان ويليامز. تكريمًا لشخصيته وسحره وصبره ونزاهته مع خلق مساحة كان سيفخر بها. كان تشاز في الطيف وكان لديه طموحات ليصبح صوتًا فوق الفاعل. هنا ، نأمل أن تجد أشخاصًا يساعدونك في إثبات خطأ أي شخص ، ومساعدتك على عيش حياة عالية الجودة تتجاوز أمراضك أثناء استخدام مواهبك. قابل المنسقين المساعدين والفنان المشرف كما رأينا في كتاب مورمون ، يحب J Nycole Ralph مساعدة الآخرين ليصبحوا ممثلين ورائدين فنانين كما ينبغي أن يكونوا! كانت تجني 80 ألف دولار في وظيفتها من 9 إلى 5 سنوات ، لكنها تعرضت للإرهاق وبدأت بالاستياء من الذهاب إلى العمل لأنه لم يكن حلمها الفعلي. قررت تغيير ذلك ، وهي تفتخر بفخر بأنها تصنع الآن ستة حبات من التين تفعل ما تحب فعله تمامًا: إنها ممثلة برودواي / تلفزيون / فيلم ومدربة فنانة وريادة أعمال سيئة. إنها تحب مساعدة مغنيات رؤساء الشركات على القيام بما فعلته والانتقال من وظيفتها المكتبية إلى كونها ممثلة حجز محترفة في غضون 12 شهرًا ، بطريقة مفتوحة للعين دون الحاجة إلى التخلي عن أسلوب حياتها المكون من ستة أرقام. عاشت J Nycole حلمها في الأداء في برودواي والتجول حول العالم على مدى السنوات العديدة الماضية ، حيث كانت تحكي القصة المؤثرة والمرح ، كتاب مورمون بينما تعمل أيضًا على العديد من الأفلام المرصعة بالنجوم والحائزة على جوائز جنبًا إلى جنب مع آدم ساندلر ووبي غولدبرغ وجيري سينفيلد وروزاريو داوسون ويارا شهيدي ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر. لقد أنشأت أيضًا سلسلة كوميدية خاصة بها تسمى Working Out the Kinks ، يتم بثها على Black Oak TV ، والتي لا تجعلك تضحك فحسب ، بل تستخدم الشعر أيضًا كوسيلة لاستكشاف وتثقيف الاختلافات بين ثقافة الأسود والأبيض. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، J Nycole هو منتج تنفيذي في اختيار الأفلام الروائية في مهرجان American Black Film ، Lola ، أول فيلم ملاكمة أمريكي من أصل أفريقي ، بطولة تاجا ف.سيمبسون من The Bold and the Beautiful and Tyler Perry's Boo 2. يكرّم J Nycolesh فكرة خلق تنوع في مشاريع الأفلام والإعلام وزيادة أصوات المجتمعات! www.JNycoleRalph.com تضمين التغريدة ولدت فيكتوريا وترعرعت في واشنطن العاصمة ، ودرست المسرح في مدرسة ديوك للفنون وتمثيل BFA ودرست في الدراسات الإسبانية في كلية ماريماونت مانهاتن. لقد استكشفت تقنية Meisner في William Esper Studios ، Actuár en Español (بالإسبانية) مع Pablo Andrade و Maria Fontanals في HB Studios ، تقنيات الاختبار مع Ulysses Terrero ، ومؤخراً ، Advanced Scene Study مع Wynn Handman. تشمل الاعتمادات الحديثة: Cherry in BET's The Christmas Lottery ، Gabourey Sidibe's "The Tale of Four" مثل Quincy ، Natasha في "High Place" ، T في "Arm Bar" ، Rihanna T في "Ducklings" في Jack Theatre ، George Pelecano's دراما راديو بي بي سي "String Music" و "Miss Mary's Room" و "فلورا" في مختارات أفلام "DC Noir". إنها تعتز بعائلتها وأصدقائها لدعمهم الذي لا يتزعزع وتؤمن بإخلاص في تعزيز المحادثة حول الوعي بالإعاقة. تؤمن بتوحيد الشعب والتمسك بأحلامك. victoriawallaceworldwide.com تضمين التغريدة connect with andrea-rachel! founder and creator of TF?! andrea has also created the worlds first location scouting certification program! she is a SOFIE award-winning a-list actress, (seen on starz, hbo, nbc, bet, mtv) who has worked for along or with some huge names, like jennifer hudson & is an all around creative talent & entertainer turned philanthropist she attributes this site and it's endeavors to her late resting younger brother chaz antwan williams, who was considered to be on the spectrum, and passed away in 2014 at the age of 18yrs old. she believes in nutritional eating, non-meat. and has a patent pending health product leading professionals already claim to be the next big thing. she advocates for animals & loves music, getting her start in the creative arts through dance. between her startup endeavors, acting gigs and rescues, andrea-rachel also does private elated guiding. she completed certification in 2023 via yale & princeton in an online program. a new catch phrase of leading people into a much happier mindset & lifestyle. she provides a low cost pdf for new mothers, and her own nutritional pamphlet for leading a youthful life. though at the helm of this concept, she proclaims the initiative is guided by many intuitive energies that.. "understand." read more about her pursuits at : iamandrearachelparker.com @ andrearachelphrases ترك لنا خطا permission to be contacted by company إرسال
- how it works | TF?!
كيف نفعل هذا كيف نربط الناس بمقايضة وقتهم ، وأن يكونوا اجتماعيين ، على الرغم من / مع تجاهل إعاقتهم؟ نحن نشجع المستخدمين على الدخول معنا عبر المجتمع العضو الذي ننمو ونزرعه. يمكنك الاشتراك مجانًا أو يمكنك أن تصبح حسابًا محترفًا بمزايا إضافية. قم بمراجعة ومناقشة مدونتنا ، ومشاركة الصور والمحتوى الخاص بك بين بعضكما البعض. البحث وكتابة الأعضاء عبر الإنترنت. كل من ينضم إلى الموقع يعمل بإرادته الحرة ، وبالتالي فإن فكرة المقايضة والتداول متجذرة في الثقافة دون الحاجة إلى السؤال ، ولكن فقط لإعادة التأكيد قمنا بتضمين السؤال ، في الاسم .. TF؟! يعني التجارة؟ لذلك عندما تريد معرفة ما إذا كان العضو لا يزال يميل إلى المقايضة ، ولكنك ترى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى ، ابحث عن الاسم. أو اسألهم بشكل مستقيم TF !؟ ونعم ، من المفترض أن يكون الأمر ممتعًا ومضحكًا ومثيرًا للقلق. لذلك إذا شعروا بالإهانة ، اجعلهم يتأقلمون. Pro Membership US$ 20 20US$ كل شهر deals/discounts, e-book, price guarantee, promos, gifts, تحديد TF!؟: إنشاء حسابك (مجاني) الحسابات الاحترافية: انتقل إلى الاشتراك وحدد "الحزمة الاحترافية" استخدم: ابحث عن "العثور على عضو" لعمل جهات اتصال البحث عن الأعضاء لرؤية المشاريع والملفات الشخصية المدرجة تنمية شبكتك عن طريق إرسال الرسائل والتفاعل مع المستخدمين مشاركة المحتوى ، إضافة إلى المنتديات ، بيع السلع! TF!؟: الامتيازات المؤيدة للحساب كود الخصم على "TF !؟" بضائع بطاقة عضوية مع رمز QR خاص للرسالة ورابط الصفحة "السرية" استشارة (مجانية) مع مدرب التوظيف للتوحد (مجاني) دروس التمثيل مع الممثلة جي نيكول رالف مصنف PDF خصومات من الشركات التابعة: لقد دخلنا في شراكة وسنواصل الشراكة مع الشركات الفريدة والصغيرة التي تقدم منتجات وخدمات وتجارب رائعة ، لتقديم خصومات خاصة حصريًا لشبكة الأعضاء المحترفين لدينا كجزء من حسابنا من الدولارات المعطلة مبادر ضمان السعر (الأعضاء الذين يشتركون في باقتنا الاحترافية خلال العامين الأولين يظل السعر كما هو) فرص تسليط الضوء على المحتوى والأعمال هل لديك عمل؟ كن حليفا من "عدد الدولارات المعطلة" (انظر صفحتنا المقصودة أو أرسل طلبًا للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات) doyoutf.com KEY-IN لا يوجد محتوى مسيء عنصري أو متحيز أو تمييزي ساعدنا على مساعدتك من خلال حماية بياناتك الشخصية والحفاظ على خصوصية المعلومات الشخصية غير الضرورية تأكد من أنه مسموح لك بمشاركة المحتوى الذي تنشر فيه اطلب أن يتم توجيه جميع التفاعلات والتعاون باحترام & النزاهة لا ترسل بريدًا عشوائيًا ولا تضايق أعضاء هذه الشبكة ابق على اطلاع ب "شروط الخدمة & سياسات الخصوصية ثقافة الموقع:
- price | TF?! | do you, tf?!
get more bang for your buck Pro Membership US$ 20 20US$ كل شهر deals/discounts, e-book, price guarantee, promos, gifts, تحديد * 15% off from our affiliate companies products & services *increased discounts off of our TF?! "exclusive" merchandise *exclusive QR code embedded to a hidden page *select surprise product gifts & samples from companies TF?! sticker or mini painting *free Coaching session with "Autism Personal Coach" derrick *same price guarantee for members joining within first yrs *special promotional deals for advertisement *free coaching session with broadway actress J nycole Ralph location scouts database US$ 10 10US$ كل شهر get found easily as a location scout! join our database today! تحديد database of other location scouts get seen by film, tv & event pros discuss opportunities in the location scouts group membership is essentially free. you get to find, meet, discuss projects with everyone on the network as the platform grows. but if you choose to take the next step by becoming a pro-member you essentially help us build a better online dynamic for the users. not only will you be rewarded with some exclusive deals as mentioned above but we are then able to grow the site more consistently and effectively to begin accessible add-ons and infrastructure. we can increase virtual and real-time events which create more networking and bartering opportunities. we can also begin to implement our job incentives, contest, increase giveaways and more...we hope you choose a pro-account as we grow but to us every member is already vip!