yesterday american express held a business class that gave away many gems & had the likes of popular actress issa rae in the buildig. along with the motivational speaker of our time, mr. shetty & author adam grant.
while we loved to hear issa discuss her efforts & love for community, along with the similarities & differences it takes to produce a show, manage a cafe, and partake in her hair care line, sienna naturals. we loved the gems given by the author adam grant.
he spoke about not losing oneself while on their respective career paths, and instead maintaining ones identity by being reminded that we in and of ourselves have many identities, especially while founding and managing within our industries. so instead "do not let your idea become the identity". he dropped some others gems like treating yourself regardless of position, and treating your ideas in life, as a hypothesis, something you are experimenting with, this way it eliminates the fear of what it is you are pursuing & you are no longer bound to it. we love that!
the ever so charming & refined shetty, who use to live as a monk & has amassed a huge following due to his trendy podcast, at the age of only 36 years old embarked on a motivational journey that allowed the audience to be rooted ingratitude, but also pointed out that to have the universe manifest from gratitude, other characteristics and intentions must first be in place inside of the individual.
all host were well spoken, earnest & we even loved that the moderators kept the intros short, and had a playful casual way of directing the conversations.
this was our first time, attending one of these, and though we are not sponsored by american express, nor are we working with them, we will say, their understanding of how to inspire & lead was proven yesterday.
here are some images of the event and a sneak peak.

will provide link once the recordings are up here check out issa rae's latest comedy series, "rap sh*t" on hbo premiering 7/21.