take a look into friendly shoes. an adaptive footwear brand that wants to assist the disabled in stepping out and feeling their best. the shoe is made to make putting on the item much easier than the average sneaker. the material is not only made to be softer and much more flexible the item also includes a zipper on the side of the footwear brand to make snapping it much more feasible and simple.
the brand does not like to disclose where and how their shoes is made, but the overall idea of it is to make the process of slipping into it and out of it much more convenient. the brand was created by doctor joseph francisco who realized his patients had a hard time getting into the shoes comfortably. so he created and patented the item so that they could close it with one hand. joesphs sites friendly shoes uses the tagline lets be friendly and states on their website that their footwear is ethically produced.
check their site