as things quiet down with will smith and their family, we see many coming to his defense. not only has he rescinded from the academy, but he has since gone a tad bit quiet. to his defense were some old co-worker like tatiana ali who stated " i know will has a good heart" as well as the original aunt viv janet hubert, who took to social media right away and made her own claims against rock. while we are not here to spread further rumors, and are delighted that things seem to be smoothing over and working out in his favor, there was a beautiful story given by an actress who had her own older on set experience with mr. smith.
see image here:

coming during a time where people are beginning to question his motives, and his character, we think the pattern of protecting women, of taking medical and health diseases seriously is a better rhetoric than the slanted views previously given. it says alot when women start to speak up. we also think, to get into a better look of who the fresh prince is, and how he became that way, people should read his book "will". hope him & his family as well as the rock family are alright, at peace & safe and sound. hopefully this all boils over.