wewe, tf ?!
means “trade for”
it’s an inclusive collab community that gives our members access to discounts & perks while also creating spaces for our participants to connect to like minds & inspiring creatives to control their narrative & find ways to trade barter & create!
We focus on the uniquely abled & their allies!
why you should give
where your money would go
we want to be able to provide the proper data protection as our community grows. allowing for better servers, privacy restrictions, giving them unlimited data reliability with their own content. being able to provide security checks and have insurance is an objective to help establish trust and further legitimizes the company. along with that we hope to be able to grow our accessibility features, making the site easier to use and manage for all walks of life and therefore encouraging more engagement.
curated events,
want to keep this community, their allies and kids in great space to network, hone their craft and develop skills. setting up events rooted in facilitating these conversation in fun and unique ways alongside bringing in the entertainment industry aids in doing so. donating allows us to make these events special and tailored being able to provide job opportunities.
want to be able to set up rewards and referral programs for the youth and college students to better assist them ion their journey and to get the right people on board to spread awareness and aid in content. being able to provide grants, scholarships, project development and support afterhours is one of our main priorities as this community grows.