means “trade for”
it’s an inclusive collab community that gives our members access to discounts & perks while also creating spaces for our participants to connect to like minds & inspiring creatives to control their narrative & find ways to trade barter & create!
We focus on the uniquely abled & their allies!
cultivating a culture so that when you see "TF?!" it pegs the question & utters the statement..doyou,tf?! it's indicative of automatically recognizing the community, the ally-ship & the unity of the often overlooked and marginalized community. seeing someone in the garment, at an event, in service to others, or in their bio is to know a portion of what that person believes. LOCK-IN

TF?!: TRADE FOR 也被稱為“”,其靈感來自一個充滿愛和光明的神奇小男孩 Chaz Antwan Williams。尊重他的性格、魅力、耐心和正直,同時創造一個他會引以為豪的空間。查茲在頻譜上,並有成為演員配音的雄心。

正如摩爾門經中所見,J Nycole Ralph 喜歡幫助他人成為他們應該成為的演員和藝術家企業家!她在朝九晚五的工作中賺了 8 萬美元,但精疲力竭並開始憎恨上班,因為這不是她真正的夢想。她決定改變這一點,她自豪地誇口說她現在做了六個無花果做她絕對喜歡做的事情:她是百老匯/電視/電影演員和壞婊子藝術家創業教練。
她喜歡幫助公司老闆女主角做她所做的事情,並在 12 個月內從辦公室工作過渡到成為一名專業的 BOOKING 女演員,以一種大開眼界的方式,而不必放棄他們六位數的生活方式。
在過去的幾年裡,J Nycole 一直實現在百老匯演出和環遊世界的夢想,講述了令人心碎卻又搞笑的故事《摩門教之書》,同時還與亞當桑德勒一起製作了幾部星光熠熠的獲獎電影、烏比·戈德堡、傑瑞·宋飛、羅薩里奧·道森和亞拉·沙希迪,僅舉幾例。
她還創作了自己的喜劇系列,名為“解決問題”,在 Black Oak 電視上播放,不僅讓您發笑,而且還利用頭髮作為探索和教育黑人和白人文化差異的載體。
此外,J Nycole 還是美國黑人電影節故事片選集《洛拉》的執行製片人,這是第一部非裔美國女性拳擊電影,由《大膽而美麗》的 Taja V. Simpson 和 Tyler Perry 的 Boo 2 主演。
J Nycoles 推崇在電影和媒體項目中創造多樣性並增加社區聲音的想法!

維多利亞在華盛頓特區出生和長大,在杜克藝術學院學習戲劇和 BFA 表演,並在瑪麗蒙特曼哈頓學院輔修西班牙裔研究。
她在 William Esper Studios 探索了 Meisner 技術,在 HB Studios 與 Pablo Andrade 和 Maria Fontanals 一起探索了 Actuár en Español(西班牙語表演),與 Ulysses Terrero 一起探索了試聽技巧,以及最近與 Wynn Handman 一起進行了高級場景研究。
最近的作品包括:BET 的“聖誕彩票”中的 Cherry、Gabourey Sidibe 飾演 Quincy 的“The Tale of Four”、“High Place”中的 Natasha、“Arm Bar”中的 T、Jack 劇院“Ducklings”中的 Rihanna T、喬治 Pelecano 的BBC 廣播劇“弦樂”、“瑪麗小姐的房間”和電影選集“DC Noir”中的 Flora。她珍惜家人和朋友的堅定支持,並全心全意地推進有關殘疾意識的對話。她相信團結人民並堅持自己的夢想。
connect with andrea-rachel! founder and creator of TF?!
andrea has also created the worlds first location scouting certification program!
she is a SOFIE award-winning a-list actress, (seen on starz, hbo, nbc, bet, mtv) who has worked for along or with some huge names, like jennifer hudson
is an all around
creative talent & entertainer turned philanthropist
she attributes this site and it's endeavors to her late resting younger brother chaz antwan williams, who was considered to be on the spectrum, and passed away in 2014 at the age of 18yrs old.
she believes in nutritional eating, non-meat.
and has a patent pending health product leading professionals already claim to be the next big thing.
she advocates for animals & loves music, getting her start in the creative arts through dance. between her startup endeavors, acting gigs and rescues, andrea-rachel also does private elated guiding. she completed certification in 2023 via yale & princeton in an online program. a new catch phrase of leading people into a much happier mindset & lifestyle. she provides a low cost pdf for new mothers, and her own nutritional pamphlet for leading a youthful life.
read more about her pursuits at :
@ andrearachelphrases