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  • info | TF?! | do you, tf?!

    GRANT VID do you tf?! this page is just the link for our grant application. an intro video. feel free to check out our other pages, like our donations page . thank you. if it does not start automatically please click the center of the box/below question mark. TO HEAR VIDEO PLEASE CLICK LOWER RIGHT CORNER to turn on volume manually.

  • how it works | TF?!

    我們如何做到這一點 我們如何將人們聯繫起來,以物易物,社交,儘管/有和無視他們的殘疾? 我們鼓勵用戶通過我們正在成長和培養的成員社區與我們聯繫。您可以免費參與,也可以成為具有附加福利的專業帳戶。查看和討論我們的博客,相互分享圖片和您自己的內容。在線搜索和寫成員。加入該網站的每個人都在自己的自由意志下運作,因此易貨和交易的想法植根於文化中而無需詢問,但為了再保證我們在名稱中包含了詢問...... TF?!意味著tradefor?所以每當你想知道一個成員是否仍然傾向於以物易物,但你看到他們的其他社交時,尋找名字。或者直接問他們TF!?是的,它應該是有趣、有趣、前衛和無憂無慮的。所以如果他們被冒犯了,讓他們適應。 Pro Membership US$ 20 20US$ 每 1 個月 deals/discounts, e-book, price guarantee, promos, gifts, 選擇 特麼!?: 創建您的帳戶(免費) 親賬戶:進入訂閱並選擇“親包” 用途:“找會員”搜索建立聯繫方式 搜索成員以查看列出的項目和個人資料 通過發送消息和與用戶互動來發展您的網絡 分享內容,添加到論壇,銷售商品! 特麼!?: 親賬戶津貼 “TF!?”的折扣碼商品 帶有特殊二維碼的會員卡信息和“秘密”頁面鏈接 (免費)諮詢自閉症職業教練 (免費)與女演員 J Nycole Ralph 一起上表演課 PDF工作簿 來自附屬企業的折扣:我們已經並將繼續與提供優質產品、服務和體驗的獨特小型企業合作,將特別折扣專門提供給我們的專業會員網絡,作為我們殘疾美元計數的一部分 倡議 價格保證(會員在第一兩年內註冊我們的親包 ,價格保持不變) 內容和商業亮點機會 有生意嗎? 成為附屬公司 的 “殘疾美元計數” (查看我們的登陸頁面或提交請求以獲取更多信息) KEY-IN 沒有種族主義、偏見或歧視性攻擊性內容 幫助我們保護您的個人數據並將不必要的個人信息保密 確保您被允許分享您發布的內容 要求所有的互動和合作都以尊重為導向 & 正直 不要垃圾郵件,不要騷擾這個網絡的成員 保持更新 “服務條款 & 隱私政策 網站文化:

  • virtual address | TF?! | do you, tf?!

    what is a virtual address? a virtual address is an online address used for social, review, communications platforms for digital companies who may not have a brick & motor. we also see that newer startups, international businesses who are opening in the states & businesses in transition utilize virtual addresses. some, not all virtual companies offer mail correspondence & image view of mail, we do not. our virtual addresses are used for people who are digital but want to have or need to have a brick & motor address. to use one of our addresses is $5.00 a month. a virtual address is like the face of the company. it means adding trust, forming reputation and dressing up your company so that it may attract more clients. get virtual address subscrip get a virtual address from us today... grab a monthly subscription to utilize our virtual business address. these address go to real brick & motor which allows for added legitimacy to newer companies & startups still getting started. we do not allow deliveries here. we do not allow pick ups, drop-off nor stop by. however, we do verification digitally for those who need an available address for their online companies. we do not make any ascertain-ions to the legitimacy of any company outside of providing them a virtual address. each address may have more than one company associated with it. Contact thank you for considering us. we will do our best to respond & resolve each & every correspondence. all questions comments and concerns can be fwd to the emails alongside.. or

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